

The Entrepreneurship Program for University Students

beplay平台下载Babson Build是一项经验计划,旨在帮助大学生思考和行动企业家。凭借针对本科生和研究生的专门曲目,基于巴布森独一无二的创业思想和行动方法的编程,以及一系列国际,创新的同伴,Babson Build是一项与其他计划不同的计划。beplay平台下载

Come live at Babson College for either a one- or two-week session in July. Embrace Babson’s make-it-happen mindset and gain the tools you need to thrive as an innovative, flexible, creative, out-of-the-box thinker.

beplay平台下载巴布森建造By the Numbers

beplay平台下载巴布森建造by the Numbers

All figures are from the 2019 Babson Build program


品尝No. 1 ranked entrepreneurial experienceour many successful alumni received when they were Babson students. Learn from the same faculty as Jamie Siminoff ’99, who sold his startup, Ring, to Amazon for $1 billion, brothers David ’05 and Andrew Heath MBA’12, whose high-end sock startup, Bombas, has revenues exceeding $100 million, and10 other current students or alumni他们在“鲨鱼坦克”上向全国电视观众推销了他们的冒险。

Outside of class, live and learn with innovative peers who come from around the world. Take advantage of nearby Boston and Cambridge for their rich history, nightlife, shopping, and sightseeing. By the conclusion of Babson Build, you will have a lasting network of international friends you won’t find anywhere else.

What Will I Learn?

创业思想与行动®The ET&A session will explore entrepreneurial thinking and how it impacts behaviors that lead to entrepreneurial action. We will emphasize entrepreneurship as a way of thinking and acting that goes beyond the traditional discipline boundaries as we know them today. Examine how entrepreneurs act under increasing levels of uncertainty. There are often two choices when preparing to navigate an uncertain future. You can predict what will happen in the future or you can create the future. We’ll talk about the need to be able to do both.

发展有力的想法:This session identifies an iterative process for launching a venture focused on market tests and experimentation in the marketplace. This approach combines both the creation and prediction sides of Entrepreneurial Thought & Action®确定低成本测试机会,从测试中学习,然后重塑进行下一个更大测试的机会。

Designing Your Business Model:This session introduces design thinking as an approach to entrepreneurial action and innovation. Design thinking is a resource for opportunity identification, product and service development, and venture strategy formulation. Using a video case, we examine a social venture through the lens of design thinking to consider challenges in creating value for customers/users and requirements when undertaking an innovation process.

Marketing for Entrepreneurs:本届会议是针对有兴趣开展新企业的人的实用指南,是跨学科的,将涵盖从战略营销到财务和领导力等主题。参与者将在完善业务计划,阐明机会的价值主张并制定战略以在现实的背景下取得持久成功的战略,从而获得动手指导和指导。

增加资源:新企业或现有公司追求新的opportunities typically require resources. Entrepreneurial finance looks at the type of funding sources available at different stages of a venture’s life. Financing events occur in stages and are matched to milestones the venture plans on achieving. New ventures run into trouble when they are undercapitalized, but counter-intuitively, also can have problems when they are overcapitalized. This session will examine the interplay between capital needed, valuation of the organization, and strategy.

Managing Growth:参与者将研究与企业家管理和增长相关的挑战和机遇。我们将重点关注高增长所有者/经理的决策,以认识和选择机会,获得和分配资源,挑战和指导人员,以及将个人目标和公司策略调整以改变个人业务状况。在此过程中,参与者将研究准备公开的公司的管理挑战。

谈判:This session explores the many ways that managers and entrepreneurs think about and practice conflict resolution—with peers, bosses, subordinates, suppliers, customers, outside agencies, friends, neighbors, and even family members. Even though many workplace interactions are not defined as a formal “negotiation,” this skill is both a critical managerial capability and the foundation of successful conflict resolution in daily life. The session features active participation in negotiation simulations and exercises, as well as thoughtful application of theory. Participants will have the opportunity to learn more about their negotiating preferences and the consequences of the choices they make. In addition, they will be asked to accept and offer feedback on negotiation behavior that they demonstrate and observe.


创业思想与行动®—Innovation & Creativity:创业思想与行动®best describes the mindset and behaviors of entrepreneurs who can think and act not only as a rational scientist, but also as someone who can lead and navigate creatively in uncertain environments. Entrepreneurs understand that the traditional scientific method of analyzing and then acting does not always work when faced with business problems in an environment that has high levels of uncertainty. It requires a mode of thinking long popularized by serial entrepreneurs and innovators—to act, learn, and build. This is the essence of ET&A™—to act your way into tackling unknown problems with unknown solutions.

The Entrepreneurial Journey—Start to Scale to Exit:在全球范围内,最常见的融资企业家企业是家人和朋友。尽管这些是很棒的起点,但这些形式的资金并没有真正带来其他关键资源,即人才,商业网络和指导。此外,筹集外部融资的能力通常可以验证这个想法,并将想法转换为机会。最重要的是,这使企业家团队踏上了纪律严明的道路,可能是最终退出的。了解这一旅程是建立可扩展业务的关键。


Business Model Innovation—Borrowing from Other Industries:One of the most prevalent forms of innovation is cross-industry pollination of ideas and solutions. Yet, business school students are very reluctant to copy and replicate successful business processes and models. This usually stems from their academic training and obsession to find “unique” business value propositions and to constantly innovate and change things.

Growing Pains—The Challenging Path to Increase Valuation:This session explores the challenges and opportunities associated with entrepreneurial management and growth. We will focus on the decisions of high-growth owners/managers in recognizing and choosing opportunities, obtaining and allocating resources, challenging and directing personnel, and adapting personal goals and corporate strategies to changing personal business conditions. There are a myriad of important issues for rapidly growing companies, including building leadership capabilities, forming early-stage strategic alliances, learning how to compete in a complex marketplace, establishing and communicating vision, cash planning, and maintaining the entrepreneurial spirit in a growing organization.

Digital and Agile Marketing for Startups:Over the last decade, the landscape of marketing has shifted significantly toward digital tools and agile methods. Starting with the foundational aspects of segmentation, targeting, and positioning, this session will examine the penetration of these tools and methods into a variety of marketing activities like attracting, retaining, and building individual relationships and managing customer communities.

Scaling-Up Operations—Building Deep and Distinctive Capabilities:The world does not have a startup problem. It has a scale-up problem. For instance, only about 10% of nearly 6 million firms in the U.S. have more than 20 employees. In Brazil, 99% of all firms have less than 50 employees. There are many benefits for enterprises to scale—they innovate more, they are more productive, they pay better employee benefits, etc. Luckily, one can learn the methods and the tools and acquire the skills to scale. Finally, at the firm level, all entrepreneurial ventures are about constantly pivoting from one business model to another until they find the one that can be profitably scaled.

“鲨鱼坦克” - 吸引资源和资金的机会:“鲨鱼池”是一个非常受欢迎的电视真人秀the U.S. Many Babson students—including David Zamarin '19, Abby Speicher MBA'15, and Jamie Siminoff '99—have pitched their entrepreneurial ventures on "Shark Tank" and some have received funding from famous investors on the show. The entrepreneurial journey of finding the innovation opportunity, articulating the opportunity, and finding resources is a process that all entrepreneurs have to undertake. During Babson Build, all participants will work in diverse teams to identify, filter, develop, and articulate an entrepreneurial opportunity. This will culminate in a 10-minute “Shark Tank”-style presentation to the entire audience at the end of the week.

Babsbeplay平台下载on Build计划对我来说是一种改变生活的经历。这是一个与来自世界各地的学生和企业家一起学习和合作的机会,他们鼓励您在世界上留下自己的印记。
- JoaquínGonzalezPlacencio,学生
Universidad del Desarrollo, Chile


Get the authentic Babson College experience in just one or two weeks with Babson Build. Live and learn on campus and grow your network with innovative, international university students just like you.

A Sneak Peek Inside Babson Build

A Sneak Peek Inside Babson Build

从动手实践,面向团队的课程,到吸引演讲嘉宾和教授,再到Babson典型的新英格兰校园,Babson Build拥有了一切。beplay平台下载

Get to Know Your Professors

教师主任安德鲁·扎卡拉基斯(Andrew Zacharakis)和杰伊·饶(Jay Rao)分享了他们对巴布森(Babson)的建筑感到兴奋的兴趣,以及为什么他们期待beplay平台下载每年7月欢迎数百名参与者来巴布森(Babson)。

安德鲁·扎卡拉基斯(Andrew Zacharakis)

Professor Andrew Zacharakis, Faculty Director, Undergraduate Babson Build

“The most exciting thing about Build is that it brings together students from around the world. They form cross-country teams to pursue opportunities. This diversity leads to new insights and opportunities that you might not get within your home university.”

Professor Jay Rao

Jay Rao教授,Babson Build研究生主任beplay平台下载

“beplay平台下载巴布森对世界有独特的镜头。我们专注于通过有限的资源来改变竞争格局。beplay平台下载Babson Build为您提供了如何影响变化和解决一些最艰难的世界问题的秘密调味料。”


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