New U.S. GEM Report Offers First Look at Pandemic’s Impact on Entrepreneurship

Cover of the GEM 2020/2021 U.S. report

A once-in-a-century pandemic, COVID-19 disrupted industries and lives around the world.

这迫使公司和员工适应unprecedented and changing conditions seemingly on a daily basis. It created dramatic circumstances, driving the need to survive—to keep businesses afloat and to keep food on the table and a roof overhead.

It also forged opportunities—both for established entrepreneurs and those with entrepreneurial instincts. Entrepreneurs, of course, didn’t escape the negative economic effects and pressures of the pandemic, but they found and pursued ways to survive and thrive through the crisis.

事实上,在2020年,一半的企业家表示,由于Babson College的新2020/2021美国新的2020/2021,乃至2019年的工作难以找到,他们有动力开始创业。beplay平台最稳定beplay平台下载Global Entrepreneurship Monitor(GEM) report, released Wednesday. The report also found that 54% of entrepreneurs and 43% of business owners reported that the pandemic introduced new business opportunities.

Read the complete来自全球创业监视器的2012年美国报告

“人们可能有不同的原因启动企业:例如,需要产生收入或看到新的机会,但是,即使在社会和经济危机的危机中,人们仍将转向企业家精神,”Smaiyra说Million P’21, executive director ofThe Arthur M. Blank Center for Entrepreneurship at Babson College

Challenges and Opportunities


“美国长期以来一直依靠企业家推动创新,创造就业机会和经济增长,”宝石U.S.团队联合长和Babson College创业教授说beplay平台最稳定beplay平台下载Donna Kelley P'24。“There is no question that the COVID-19 pandemic created both challenges and opportunities for entrepreneurs and mature business owners.”

The report, which polled more than 2,000 U.S. adults in August 2020, showed that the Total early-stage Entrepreneurial Activity (TEA) rate—which measures the percentage of adults aged 18 to 64 who are actively engaged in starting or running a new business—declined slightly in 2020. The rate of 15.4% (down from 17.4% in 2019) was equal to the rate reported in 2018.

Smaiyra Million P'21,执行董事,亚瑟M.的企业家精神中心

Among the GEM report’s critical findings from the first six months of the pandemic:

  • 大约40%的美国人至少知道由于Covid-19而关闭的一个人,尽管21%知道一个开始业务的人。
  • 82%的企业家认为启动业务更加困难,近70%确定了大流行导致挫折导致业务运营。
  • 在既定的企业主中,58%由于Covid-19而停止了他们的一些核心业务活动。
    Of those who closed a business, more than one-third cited the pandemic as the reason.
  • Despite the hurdles, though, the report’s bottom line is clear.

“It shows how important entrepreneurship is to the U.S. economy and to global economies,” saidJeffrey P. Shay ’87, MBA’91, the executive director for academic operations atbeplay平台下载beplay平台最稳定Babson College是企业家领导的亚瑟米空白学校

Data on Black and Women Entrepreneurs


Most notably, the report shows, Black individuals are twice as likely as white individuals to have entrepreneurial intentions (20% vs. 10%) and nearly twice as likely to start businesses (26% vs. 14%). However, Black entrepreneurs are half as likely to be running mature businesses (5% vs. 10%) and report higher business closures (6% vs. 4%) than white entrepreneurs.

yulkendy valdez'17(左)和约瑟尔普拉斯森西亚'17肖像
Yulkendy Valdez ’17 (left) and Josuel Plasencia ’17 founded a Boston-based venture, now called ForeFront, which helps companies teach young employees and their managers inclusive leadership skills.

Shay points to a variety of factors, including more difficulty and fewer avenues to raising capital, which can be key to establishing and growing successful businesses.


Meanwhile, the GEM report showed that the TEA rate for women was 16.6%, trailing the TEA rate for men of 18.3%, meaning that there are about eight women entrepreneurs for every 10 men entrepreneurs. However, more men than women reported closing a business in the year prior to 2020: 6.8% of men (a 24% increase from 2019) and 5.4% of women (a 13% increase from 2019).


Looking Forward

As the United States and the world continue to navigate the challenges posed by the pandemic, the GEM report provides insights that can help bolster entrepreneurship and help light the path forward.

“Stable jobs and economic vitality depend on the survival and growth of businesses,” Kelley said. “This research can help guide decisions that support entrepreneurship in America, which will surely be a critical contributor to the post-pandemic recovery.”



“Much like the Great Depression or World War II, the pandemic promises to be a transformative event, one in which the society we knew is remade and filled with change and possibility and entrepreneurial leaders will lead the way,” saidBabson College President Stephen Spinelli Jr. MBA’92, PhD。“宝石将在那里见证并捕捉这种非凡的时刻,并通过研究,我们将继续从企业家那里了解和学习,并帮助他们在明天的世界塑造世界。”

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